Saturday, July 11, 2009

Bialleti Musa

We graduated from the classic aluminium Bialleti coffee pot to the stainless steel Musa model about 2 years ago.
It was a good move.
The aluminium unit could give a nasty steam burn as it escaped through the lid hinge, which is also just happens to be the spot where the handle joins to the body! Lets just say that if that happened caffeine was no longer required for that morning.
Then there was the nagging issue of aluminium linked to Alzheimer's disease.
Just remember stainless steel is a poor conductor of heat so it does take longer to get to get your fix in the morning, but at least you will remember it!
The product is robust and functions well with user niggles from the classic design sorted out, but becareful when screwing the top to the bottom not to distort the top section.